Sun. Jan 19th, 2025

Neither a cat, nor a dog, much less a fish. Some owners are looking for a pet mouse . The idea may seem strange to many, but if we stop to think about it, it is easy to understand this passion for furry animals. 

They are cute, intelligent and fit perfectly into any home. If you have always dreamed of having a rodent in your home, keep reading. We answer all your questions about pet mice here.

Do mice transmit diseases?

First, let’s clear up a very common question: can pet mice transmit diseases? The answer to this question is simple: the risk of a domestic rodent transmitting a disease is the same as that of a cat or dog. In other words, very small. 

It is true that some mice are responsible for diseases. However, domestic mice are raised in captivity, eat food and live in a very clean environment.

In other words: the transmission of diseases is linked to the environment in which the rodent lives , and not to the species itself. Therefore, it is very unlikely that the small rodent will cause any health problems in your family. 

Pet mouse: basic characteristics

The world of domestic rodents is quite vast, so much so that sometimes we get confused about the characteristics of each furry creature. The pet mouse belongs to the order Rodentia, which includes rats, chinchillas, squirrels and even capybaras.

All of these species have some similarities, but each of them will also have its own personality and characteristics. The attributes of a pet mouse are:

Size: up to 10 cm;

Weight: up to 500g;

Behavior: friendly and interactive,

Life expectancy: 2 years.

Although this pet is similar to other species, it has unique characteristics. This small rodent is usually very friendly, affectionate and intelligent. It loves to spend some time with its family and can even learn little tricks!


If you’re having doubts about caring for mice, don’t worry. These small rodents are considered easy-to-care-for pets and, with a little attention, they grow up healthy and happy, bringing joy to the whole family. We’ve listed the main care tips for your pet to ensure their well-being.


One of the first steps in raising a pet mouse is to set up a good cage. After all, your furry friend will spend a good part of the day inside and needs all the comfort possible. To provide a pleasant home for your little rodent, consider the following tips: 

  • Space: Your pet mouse may be small, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t need space. Experts recommend a cage that is at least 50 cm by 70 cm, but this can vary slightly. This way, you can ensure that your friend has the space he needs to have fun. 

If the house has more than one floor, even better. Rodents love to climb up and down ramps, playing between the different levels. Remember that when we talk about cages for any pet, the recommendation is always: the bigger, the better. 

  • Cleaning: you need to put down a hygienic substrate. This material, which is placed at the bottom of the cage, has two functions. On the one hand, it helps absorb the pet’s waste, leaving the cage cleaner. On the other hand, it is great fun for the rodent, who loves to dig and make nests in the substrate. It can be made of different materials, such as wood or straw. One of the most recommended is hay, which also serves as food and a source of fiber! 
  • Accessories: Finally, we must think about accessories, which will give your pet mouse’s cage that special touch. Rodents are very active pets and need stimulation to have fun in your home. 

Traditional exercise wheels are welcome, but don’t forget to add tubes, platforms and other toys of your choice! The tip is to make the environment very pleasant for your pet. 

By providing a large and pleasant space, you can use your creativity to make the space even more special for your furry friend. Remember that this will be the home of the black or white mouse, so create a comfortable space with care and responsibility. 


Like other rodents, mice are very gluttonous eaters. However, you need to be careful when choosing food for your pet. Experts emphasize that the best option for domestic rodents is always pet food. It is made with everything your furry friend needs, providing adequate nutrition. 

Varying the menu with some snacks is allowed, but only occasionally. However, don’t think about giving cheese to your furry friend! Processed products should always be kept away from pets. Rats usually like fruits and vegetables, but only occasionally, so as not to harm their health.


Rats are often associated with garbage, dirt and disease, right? Well, this image couldn’t be more wrong when we talk about a black mouse, white mouse or hairless pet mouse. These furry little animals are usually very hygienic and organized. 

They even like to clean themselves, just like cats. They also keep their cages well organized, setting aside a place for each activity. If you want to help your friend clean up, you can bathe them up to once a month. Just don’t forget to dry them well to avoid health problems!

Other care

For those who have a pet mouse at home, there are some precautions that experts recommend. Rodents are pets that breed very frequently. Therefore, the tip is to keep only one per cage or separate them by sex. This way, you avoid having a litter of mice by accident. 

Also, always offer activities and games for your furry friend. This is a way to ensure a healthy and happy routine for your friend. And for more content about pets, check out the Petz blog to stay up to date on pet health and well-being!

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